Our hearts are with all our loved family, friends and community members who have been impacted by the CZU August Lightening Complex Fire.

Please reach out to us at board@rbda.us if we can be of any assistance. Below are some resources compiled by the Santa Cruz Sentinel

RESOURCES TO GET HELP                               

from 8/25/20 Santa Cruz Sentinel


General evacuee disaster assistance, such as housing, food and other associated needs. Visit disasterassistance. gov to apply. Spanish- speaking survivors: disasterassistance.gov. Survivors can also call 800-621-3362 for any questions and assistance.

PROPERTY TAX RELIEF: If your property is damaged or destroyed by wildfire, you may be eligible for property tax relief under Revenue and Taxation Code section 170. To qualify you must file a claim within the time specified in your county ordinance, or 12 months from the date of damage or destruction, whichever is later. The loss must be at least $10,000 of current market value to qualify. Contact your local County Assessor or visit BOE Property Tax Disaster Relief at https://www.boe.ca.gov/ proptaxes/disaster-relief.htm for more information or to file a claim.

INSURANCE RESOURCES: Helpful information is available through United Policyholders (UP), a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization for insurance consumers that was formed in 1991 to help victims of Northern California wildfires. UP’s Roadmap to Recovery at https://www.uphelp.org/ programs/roadmap-to-recovery offers free insurance guidance, tools, and resources for disaster victims. Answers to frequently asked questions about first steps to take, policy coverage, and what to expect can be found on the website, https://www.uphelp. org/.


U.S. Small Business Administration Virtual Business Recovery Center and Virtual Disaster Loan Outreach Center for Lighting Complex fire-related difficulties, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Email FOCWAssistance@sba.gov or call 916-735-1500. Disaster loans up to $200,000 are available to homeowners to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate. Homeowners and renters are eligible for up to $40,000 to repair or replace damaged or destroyed personal property. Businesses of all sizes and private nonprofit organizations may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory and other business assets. SBA can also lend additional funds to businesses and homeowners to help with the cost of improvements to protect, prevent or minimize the same type of disaster damage from occurring in the future. Economic injury assistance for small businesses is available to businesses regardless of any property damage.


Customers served out of Davenport and Scotts Valley are directed to go to the Santa Cruz Main Post Office, 850 Front St. Santa Cruz. Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday.


Evacuees may see if they qualify for CalFresh food assistance by applying at getcalfresh.org or mybenefitscalwin. org, at 888-421-8080 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Paper applications at 18 W. Beach St., Watsonville or 1020 Emeline Ave., Santa Cruz.


Free loads of laundry from evacuees at the Laundry Room, 419 Seabright Ave., Santa Cruz. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 831-471-8141 , laundryroomseabright. com.


Through a partnership between Santa Cruz County and the California Emergency Medical Services Authority, a temporary medical clinic with a range of medical services, including pharmaceutical services and physicians on-site to assist patients throughout the day has opened at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 E. Lake Ave., Watsonville.


The Red Cross maintains an online redcross.org/shelter and santacruzcounty.us/ fireresources.aspx for updated open/closed shelter and hotel locations. Safe parking locations also available.

• Harbor High School, 300 La Fonda Ave., Santa Cruz. 

• Cabrillo College (gymnasium), 6500Soquel Ave., Aptos. 

• Santa Cruz Bible Church, 440Frederick St., Santa Cruz. 

• Congregational Church of Soquel, 4951Soquel Drive, Soquel. 

• Simpkins Swim Center, 97917th Ave., Santa Cruz. 

• Lakeview Middle School, 2350E. Lake Ave., Watsonville. Open for outdoor camping with limited indoor capacity.

No-cost disaster relief accommodations may be available through Airbnb. Visit airbnb.com/openhomes/ disaster-relief to register and learn more.

Animal boarding is available at 831-454-7200. Horses and other large animals are being welcomed at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, with overflow capacity available at the Alameda County Fairgrounds.


Scotts Valley Police Department is responding to a high level of requests to regain access to evacuated homes and businesses. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, officers only will respond to essential requests to retrieve medicine and medical equipment that cannot be accessed elsewhere, will lock homes or businesses and turn off sprinklers. Officers will accompany people to get their left-behind pets; to get work vehicles, tools or items directly related to their livelihood for one visit only; to retrieve a friend or family member in need of evacuation. Access requests to retrieve personal items or to turn off propane tanks will not be granted. Call police dispatch at 831-440-5670. Wait times may be hours long.

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